A finished painting is the result of a journey involving many twists and turns. I generally carry a sketchbook and pencil with me when travelling or out on a walk. Most of my paintings can be sourced …

Drawing and painting has always been part of my life. I lived in the art department at school. Shot 16mm film at art college back in the 80’s. Taught painting and drawing in the 90’s. I’ve always had a sketchbook or three on the go.
The rugged Cornish landscape; the edge between land and sea; the mining history around where we live all inspire me. Landscape chiefly provides the subject matter for most of my work, though believing as I do, all art is in some ways autobiographical, the artist is always the subject matter, either consciously, or sub-consciously…
A finished painting is the result of a journey involving many twists and turns. I generally carry a sketchbook and pencil with me when travelling or out on a walk. Most of my paintings can be sourced …
There is no one way to start a painting. This movie shows how my 120 x 40cm oil painting "Poldice Reimagined" began it's life outside on location overlooking the Poldice Valley near my home in …
There's a man in heaven with ugly wounds in his hands, feet and side.This shocking, stunning painting was part of the Isenheim Altarpiece painted by Matthias Grunewald. It hung in the hospital chapel …